New South Wales Chess Association Inc.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 25 November 2018

Meeting: The meeting was held in the Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club, 117 Ryedale Road, West Ryde, NSW scheduled to commence at 2.30 pm.


Council members: Bill Gletsos, Peter Abbott, Rob Watson, Robert Keast, Chris Ball, Sami Ullah, Norm Greenwood, Arthur Huynh, Nick Kordahi.

Other members: Tom Accola, Trent Parker, Fabrizio Corona, Kevin O’Chee, Ralph Shaw, Joshua Christensen.

1. Welcome and apologies

Bill Gletsos as president and chairman declared the meeting open at 3.40 pm and welcomed members to the meeting.

Apologies for non-attendance were received Richard Gastineau-Hills, Julian Kuan, Rick Keuning and John Redgrave.

2. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous annual general meeting

The minutes of the 2017 annual general meeting were available at the meeting and had been on the NSWCA website for some months.

Motion: That the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 3 December 2017 be accepted and signed as a correct and true record (moved Sami Ullah, seconded Chris Ball) Carried.

3. President’s report

Bill Gletsos gave a verbal presidential report in which he highlighted the following matters:

o   Australia Day Weekender – The event attracted 70 participants, down 10 from 80 the previous year.

o   NSW Open – the participants were 135, being 8 less than the previous year.  It was jointly won by Raymond Song and Junta Ikeda. The U1600 was won by Frank Low.

o   August Weekender – This attracted 54 participants, down 1 on the previous year’s event.

o   Ryde-Eastwood Open – The event attracted 71 participants, down 13 on the previous year.

o   State Championship – This was a closed event being a 10-player round robin of a strong field of players.  Yi Liu won with a score of 7.5 from 9.

o   City of Sydney Rapid – This event had 69 players, up 18 from the previous year.

o   City of Sydney Blitz – This event had 41 participants, up 7 from the previous year.

o   NSW Rapid – This event had 74 participants, up 25 from the previous year.

o   NSW Blitz – This event had 70 participants, up 19 from the previous year.

Membership numbers reached 515 which is broken down as follows:

Members                  389          (including 13 Life members)

Registered players     126

Total                        515


Cash reserves are just over $990k (including the Parr bequest). The treasurer will be reporting more fully on the financial statements.

Bill Gletsos thanked all council members for their work and effort during the year.

Motion: That the President’s Report be accepted (moved Trent Parker, seconded Fabrizio Corona) Carried.

4. Treasurer’s report

The financial accounts for 2017/2018 have yet to be balanced and audited so cannot be considered official.

Motion: That the treasurer’s report be accepted (moved Sami Ullah, seconded Fabrizio Corona) Carried.

5. Other office bearers’ reports

(None given.)

6. Notices of motion:


7. Determination of annual membership fees for 2018

The president recommended to the meeting that the fees remain the same as the previous year, as follows:


Full member                                                       30

Country members                                               10

Not a member previously                                    10

Non-member registered player (no voting
  rights and cannot play in NSWCA events)          10

Concession                                                         20

Motion: That the membership fees remain the same as the previous year (moved Trent Parker, seconded Peter Abbott) Carried.

8. Election of office bearers for 2016/2017

Bill Gletsos declared all council positions vacant. It was agreed that Bill Gletsos would remain the chair to conduct the election of president for 2018/2019.


There were no other nominations. Carried.

Bill Gletsos declared himself elected president.


There were no other nominations. Carried.


There were no other nominations. Carried.


There were no other nominations. Carried.

Ratings officer

There were no other nominations. Carried.


There were no other nominations. Carried.


There were no other nominations.  The position stands vacant.

Tournaments officer

There were no other nominations. Carried.

Communications officer

There were no other nominations. Carried.

Club liaison officer

There were no other nominations. Carried.

Country representative

There were no other nominations. Carried.

Member without portfolio 1

There were no other nominations. Carried.

Member without portfolio 2

There were no other nominations. Carried.

9. Appointment of auditor

Motion: That Andre Christian be appointed auditor for the ensuing year (Proposed Peter Abbott, seconded Fabrizio Corona) Carried.

10. Appointment of appeals committee

Motion: That the NSWCA appeals committee be:

·       Bill Gletsos

·       Peter Abbott

·       Richard Gastineau-Hills

Alternatives – Robert Keast and Peter Cassettari.

(Proposed Trent parker, seconded Tom Accola) Carried.

11. Other business



11. Closure of Meeting

There being no further business, the Meeting was closed at 4.00 pm.

Confirmed as a correct record.


…………………………………..          Dated……………………………….
