Past Champions

To view Past Champions, simply click on one of the events listed below.

NSW Lightning Champions

2024 Bayasgalan Khishigbaatar
2023 Samuel Asaka
2022 Gary Lane
2021 Igor Bjelobrk
2020 Not Held
2019 Jason Hu
2018 Brandon Clarke
2017 Brandon Clarke
2016 Anton Smirnov
2015 Anton Smirnov
2014 Blair Mandla
2013 Vladimir Smirnov
2012 Vladimir Smirnov
2011 Blair Mandla
2010 Max Illingworth
2009 Jason Chan
2008 Johny Bolens
2007 George Xie & Max Illingworth
2006 George Xie
2005 Zong Yuan Zhao
2004 Ronald Yu
2003 George Xie
2002 George Xie and Ronald Scott
2001 George Xie and Edgardo Agulto
2000 Stanislav Berezovski
1999 Johny Bolens & John Curtis
1998 Irina Berizina-Feldman
1997 Ivan Zirdum
1996 Johny Bolens
1995 Raul Samar
1994 Dimitri Gedevanishvili
1993 Raul Samar
1992 Dimitri Gedevanishvili
1991 John Curtis
1990 Dimitri Gedevanishvili
1989 Dimitri Gedevanishvili
1988 John Curtis
1987 Alfred Flatow
1986 Maxwell Leonard Fuller
1985 John Curtis
1984 John Curtis
1983 John Curtis
1982 Naum Levin
1981 John Curtis
1980 Roy B. Travers
1979 John Curtis
1978 John Curtis
1977 John Curtis
1976 Nabil Selim
1975 Nabil Selim
1974 Alfred Flatow
1973 Maxwell Leonard Fuller
1972 Maxwell Leonard Fuller
1971 Maxwell Leonard Fuller
1970 Maxwell Leonard Fuller
1969 Alfred Flatow
1968 Alfred Flatow
1967 Maxwell Leonard Fuller
1966 Gerd Niess
1965 Gerd Niess
1964 Alfred Flatow
1963 Alfred Flatow
1962 Roger Cook
1961 I. Langof
1960 Garry Koshnitsky
1959 Yaroslav Shewchyk
1958 Robert Pikler
1957 Bela Berger
1956 A. Pinchenko & G. Shmelef
1955 Robert Pikler
1954 Karl Madjaric
1953 I. Langof
1952 Lajos Steiner
1951 Gary Koshnitsky
1950 Gary Koshnitsky
1949 Robert Pikler
1948 Lajos Steiner
1947 Gary Koshnitsky
1946 Lajos Steiner