NSW Chess Association


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Chess Clubs
Club Game day
Albury Thursday 7:00 pm
Club: Albury
Venue: Albury High School, 625 Kiewa Street, Albury
Meets on: Thursday 7:00 pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Geoffrey Lindsay
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0412 030 639
Email: geoffl99@bigpond.com
Second Contact: Name: Greg
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0439 571 581
Website: http://www.alburychess.com/
Armidale Wednesday 7pm to 9:30pm
Club: Armidale
Venue: Armidale Baptist Church Hall, Rusden St, Armidale
Meets on: Wednesday 7pm to 9:30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Chris martin
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0435 528 242
Email: chessinarmidale@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.armidalechessclub.org
Bathurst Community Chess Club Inc. Wednesday 7.30pm
Club: Bathurst Community Chess Club Inc.
Venue: Bathurst Panthers. 132 Piper St. Bathurst.
Meets on: Wednesday 7.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Chris
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0419975266
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Cabra-Vale Diggers Chess Club Monday 7pm to 11pm
Club: Cabra-Vale Diggers Chess Club
Venue: 1 Bartley Street, Canley Vale NSW 2166
Meets on: Monday 7pm to 11pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: John Pastega
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0449 858 369
Email: jpastega@gmail
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Canterbury Bulldogs Monday 7.30pm
Club: Canterbury Bulldogs
Venue: The Lakemba Club. 26 quigg St. Lakemba 2195
Meets on: Monday 7.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Alexandre Merhi
Home Ph: 9584 8121
Mobile: 0417 284783
Email: eastern_star2@hotmail.com
Second Contact: Name: Fred Flatow
Home Ph: 9588 1807
Website: http://nswca.org.au/clubs/Canterbury_Cal.htm
Castle Hill Chess Club Mondays at 7.00pm - 8:30pm
Club: Castle Hill Chess Club
Venue: Wesley Castle Hill Uniting Church . 32-34 Showground Rd, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Meets on: Mondays at 7.00pm - 8:30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Michael Zhou
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0425 376 421
Email: info@norwestchessacademy.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: https://norwestchessacademy.com.au/community-chess/
Central Coast Leagues (aka Gosford) Tuesday 7:30pm
Club: Central Coast Leagues (aka Gosford)
Venue: Central Coast Leagues Club, Dane Drive, Gosford, The Bingo Lounge
Meets on: Tuesday 7:30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Colin Rowlison
Home Ph:
Email: gsparra@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gosfordchessclub
Circular Quay Chess Club Mondays 6.30-9.30pm
Club: Circular Quay Chess Club
Venue: Paragon Hotel - circular quay (1 loftus st circular quay)
Meets on: Mondays 6.30-9.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Teejay Ryan
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0411 277 576
Email: teejay_r@yahoo.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Coffs Harbour Chess Club Tuesdays 7pm
Club: Coffs Harbour Chess Club
Venue: Sawtell RSLClub
Meets on: Tuesdays 7pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Jason Goodson
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0418458882
Email: Jason.Goodson@slatergordon.com.au
Second Contact: Name: John Maddix
Home Ph: 02 66535113
Email: tomadd90@bigpond.com
Dubbo Tuesday 7:00 pm for juniors 8:00 pm for adults
Club: Dubbo
Venue: Dubbo RSL Club
Meets on: Tuesday 7:00 pm for juniors 8:00 pm for adults
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Alexander Aich
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0408 200 564
Email: alexander.aich@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name: Trevor Bemrose
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0424 225 323
Email: trevbem@gmail.com
Website: http://home.exetel.com.au/dubbochessclub/
Ettalong Tuesday 1pm Saturday 1pm
Club: Ettalong
Venue: Ettalong Beach Memorial Club 211 Memorial Ave. Ettalong
Meets on: Tuesday 1pm Saturday 1pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Keith Farrell
Home Ph: 02 4341 7864
Email: keith@gosfordchess.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://gosfordchess.com/ettalong/index.html
Harbord Diggers Monday 7.30pm
Club: Harbord Diggers
Venue: Harbord Diggers Club, 80 Evans Street, Freshwater
Meets on: Monday 7.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Tom Accola
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0404 001 814
Email: tomaccola@optusnet.com.au
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.harborddiggerschessclub.org.au/
Knightclub Wednesday 6pm till 9pm
Club: Knightclub
Venue: 96 Illawarra Road Marrickville
Meets on: Wednesday 6pm till 9pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Jim Papadakis
Home Ph:
Email: contact@knightclub.org
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.knightclub.org
Laurieton Wednesday 6.30pm
Club: Laurieton
Venue: Servicemans Club, Laurieton
Meets on: Wednesday 6.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Endel Lane
Home Ph: 6559 9060
Email: endelinn@yahoo.com.au
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Moree Chess Club Monthly 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 7pm
Club: Moree Chess Club
Venue: Lifehouse Church Hall, Cnr Albert & Frome St, Moree NSW 2400
Meets on: Monthly 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 7pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Michael Allen
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0466 424 993
Email: Pyrelm@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.facebook.com/groups/3174910119410474/
Newcastle District Chess Association Tuesday 7.30pm
Club: Newcastle District Chess Association
Venue: Wests City, Corner King and Union Streets, Newcastle
Meets on: Tuesday 7.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Brett Saunders
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0428 792 579
Email: besaunders79@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name: Ron Groenhout
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0414 571 111
Email: rongroenhout@syneca.com.au
Website: http://newcastlechess.club/
Norths (Chatswood) Tuesday 7.30pm
Club: Norths (Chatswood)
Venue: The Auditorium, North Sydney Leagues Club, 12 Abbott Street, Cammeray
Meets on: Tuesday 7.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: David Stern
Home Ph:
Email: northsydneychess@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.northsydneychess.org/
NSW Junior Chess League (for players Under 18) -
Club: NSW Junior Chess League (for players Under 18)
Venue: Most events are held at North Ryde Community Hall, 201 Coxs Road, North Ryde
Meets on: -
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Richard Gastineau-Hills
Home Ph: 9498 2760
Mobile: 0403 962 442
Email: RichardGH@nswjcl.org.au
Second Contact: Name: Eunice Koh
Home Ph:
Email: eunice.koh@nswjcl.org.au
Website: http://www.nswjcl.org.au/
Orange NSW - Colour City Chess Club 1st and 3rd Saturday 1pm-3pm
Club: Orange NSW - Colour City Chess Club
Venue: Games n More Orange - 247 Lords Place, Orange, NSW 2800
Meets on: 1st and 3rd Saturday 1pm-3pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Nic Drage
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0448158713
Email: nicolaas.drage@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Parramatta Chess Club Thursday 7:30pm
Club: Parramatta Chess Club
Venue: 2 Macquarie Street, Parramatta, NSW 2150
Meets on: Thursday 7:30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Arthur Huynh
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0402 992 265
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Penrith RSL Chess Club Wednesday 6.30pm
Club: Penrith RSL Chess Club
Venue: Penrith RSL Club 8 Tindale Street Penrith 2750
Meets on: Wednesday 6.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Tom Godkin
Home Ph: 47393919
Mobile: 0409 212 321
Email: godkinfamily@outlook.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Richmond Club Chess Club Monday 6.30pm
Club: Richmond Club Chess Club
Venue: Richmond Club 6 East Market Street Richmond 2753
Meets on: Monday 6.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Leif Rosengaard
Home Ph: 4578 2189
Mobile: 0431 887 891
Email: leifemail@aol.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Rooty Hill Chess Club Tuesdays at 7.00pm
Club: Rooty Hill Chess Club
Venue: West HQ, 55 Sherbrooke St, Rooty Hill
Meets on: Tuesdays at 7.00pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Winston Zhao Chen
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0403 166 558
Email: winston@rootyhillchessclub.org
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Email: contact@rootyhillchessclub.org
Website: http://rootyhillchessclub.org/
Ryde Eastwood Wednesday 7.30pm
Club: Ryde Eastwood
Venue: Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club 117 Ryedale Road West Ryde 2114
Meets on: Wednesday 7.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Rob Watson
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0408 463 759
Email: whatteaux.chess@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.rydeeastwoodchessclub.blogspot.com/
South Sydney Juniors Chess Club Wednesday 7pm
Club: South Sydney Juniors Chess Club
Venue: South Sydney Juniors, 558a Anzac Pde, Kingsford
Meets on: Wednesday 7pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Gary Armstrong
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0419 993 909
Second Contact: Name: Senyon Ingman
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0417 772 246
St George Tuesday 7.30pm
Club: St George
Venue: St George Leagues Club 134 Princes Highway Kogarah
Meets on: Tuesday 7.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Sarwat Rewais
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0417 246 183
Email: sarwat.rewais@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.stgeorgechess.org/
Sydney Academy of Chess Monday 7.30pm
Club: Sydney Academy of Chess
Venue: Level 1, 30A George Street, Burwood
Meets on: Monday 7.30pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Brett Tindall
Home Ph: 9745 1170
Mobile: 0421224772
Email: info@sydneyacademyofchess.com.au
Second Contact: Name: Joost van Ruitenburg
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0498141234
Email: joost@sydneyacademyofchess.com.au
Website: http://www.sydneyacademyofchess.com.au/
Sydney Chess Club Monday 19:30
Club: Sydney Chess Club
Venue: Level 1 / 30a George Street, Burwood, 2134 NSW
Meets on: Monday 19:30
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Joost van Ruitenburg
Home Ph: (02) 9745 1170
Email: info@sydneyacademyofchess.com.au
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: https://sydneyacademyofchess.com.au/chess-clubs/sydney-chess-club-adults
Tamworth Chess Club Wednesday 7pm
Club: Tamworth Chess Club
Venue: Diggers 24 Kable Ave Tamworth
Meets on: Wednesday 7pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: John King
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0417 229 747
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/chesstamworth/
University of NSW Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm weather permitting
Club: University of NSW
Venue: Kensington, NSW 2052 (Lower Quadrangle). Open air chess sets.
Meets on: Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm weather permitting
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Emma Hu
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0403587513
Email: chessclubunsw@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name: Edward Rust
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.facebook.com/groups/102633123122603/
University of Sydney Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 12pm-4pm
Club: University of Sydney
Venue: University of Sydney, International Students Lounge, 4th floor, Wentworth building
Meets on: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 12pm-4pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Winston Zhao Chen
Home Ph:
Email: sydneyuniversitychessclub@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name: Jonas Sze-To
Home Ph:
Website: https://linktr.ee/usydchessclub
UTS Chess Club Check with contacts
Club: UTS Chess Club
Venue: UTS Campus, Room CB02.04.190, 15 Broadway, Ultimo, NSW, 2007
Meets on: Check with contacts
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Lenard Jia
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0424582198
Email: President@chess.activateuts.com.au
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.facebook.com/UTSChess
Wagga Chess Club Sundays 1pm-3pm
Club: Wagga Chess Club
Venue: The Thirsty Crow Brewing Company, 153 Fitzmaurice St.,Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Meets on: Sundays 1pm-3pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Martin Alster
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0411 959 396
Email: alstermartin45@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name:
Home Ph:
Website: http://www.facebook.com/groups/324906937543509/
Wollongong Chess Club Tuesday 7pm
Club: Wollongong Chess Club
Venue: Collegians Rugby League Football Club, 3A Charlotte St, Wollongong NSW 2500
Meets on: Tuesday 7pm
Contacts: First Contact: Name: Jordan Morris
Home Ph:
Email: illawarrachess@gmail.com
Second Contact: Name: Bevan Clouston
Home Ph:
Mobile: 0415 828 613
Email: bkclouston@gmail.com