Venue: Starlite Rooms
Dubbo RSL Club, corner Brisbane & Wingewarra Streets
Dubbo NSW 2830
Length: 6 rounds, 2 days (weekend)
Start/End: Saturday 29 March - Sunday 30 March
Registration: 9.30 am Saturday 29 March
Pre-registration would be greatly appreciated. Entries can be paid by bank transfer to DUBBO RSL MEMORIAL CLUB LTD, BSB: 082-564 Acc: 147276597
Please identify yourself in the payment
Start time: 10.30 am Saturday 29 March
Entry Fee(s): $45 adults, $35 concession, $25 juniors
Rounds: 10:30 am, 1:30 pm, 4:00 pm on Saturday
9:15 am, 11:45 pm, 2:15 pm on Sunday
Time Control: Fischer 60 minutes + 10 seconds per move
Prizes: $450 first prize guaranteed, divisional and junior prizes subject to number of entries
Contacts: Prakashbabu Radhakrishnan 0422 877 165 email
Trevor Bemrose 0424 225 323 (AH or SMS) email
SPECIAL: All NSW players are required to be either full or associate members of the NSW Chess Association (or members of NSW Junior Chess League if under 18). Membership can be arranged on the day. |