NSW Chess Association


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  St George Weekender 2012

Players List

No  Name                 Feder Loc 

1.  Xie, George          NSW   2424
2.  Brown, Andrew        ACT   2253
3.  Smirnov, Anton       NSW   2135
4.  Broekhuyse, Paul     NSW   2096
5.  Watson, James        NSW   2084
6.  Huynh, Arthur        NSW   2037
7.  Champion, Patrick    NSW   1964
8.  Gu, Sean             NSW   1948
9.  Cabilin, Jeff        NSW   1915
10. Kuan, Julian         NSW   1897
11. Bolens, Johny        NSW   1888
12. Rewais, Sarwat       NSW   1855
13. Rowlison, Colin N    NSW   1767
14. Gerges, Fady         NSW   1763
15. Rachmadi, Herman     NSW   1763
16. Bogdanoski, Petre    NSW   1741
17. Buciu, Aurel-John    QLD   1665
18. Dutta, Rishi         NSW   1644
19. Visser, Johan        OS    1636
20. Vuglar, Shanon       ACT   1605
21. Ingham, Glenn        ACT   1581
22. Greenwood, Norman    NSW   1515
23. Willathgamuwa, Rowan NSW   1515
24. Ngo, Michael         NSW   1439
25. Clark, Neil          NSW   1431
26. Willathgamuwa, Kevin NSW   1430
27. Banicevic, Roy       NSW   1387
28. Tracey, Michael J    NSW   1386
29. Patterson, Mark      ACT   1369
30. Weltner, Michael     NSW   1346
31. Fernandez, Nick      NSW   1269
32. Shaw, Ralph          NSW   1236
33. Zaman, Selim         NSW   1210
34. Gergis, Steven       NSW   1193
35. Burke, Matthew       NSW       
36. Harman, Jerome       NSW       
37. Minor, Harry         NSW       
38. Nagel, Anne          NSW       
39. Xuan, Thomas         NSW       


Place Name                 Feder Loc  Score

  1   Brown, Andrew        ACT   2253 6    
 2-4  Xie, George          NSW   2424 5.5  
      Broekhuyse, Paul     NSW   2096 5.5  
      Kuan, Julian         NSW   1897 5.5  
  5   Champion, Patrick    NSW   1964 5    
 6-9  Huynh, Arthur        NSW   2037 4.5  
      Cabilin, Jeff        NSW   1915 4.5  
      Rowlison, Colin N    NSW   1767 4.5  
      Buciu, Aurel-John    QLD   1665 4.5  
10-17 Watson, James        NSW   2084 4    
      Rewais, Sarwat       NSW   1855 4    
      Smirnov, Anton       NSW   2135 4    
      Rachmadi, Herman     NSW   1763 4    
      Willathgamuwa, Rowan NSW   1515 4    
      Gu, Sean             NSW   1948 4    
      Dutta, Rishi         NSW   1644 4    
      Bolens, Johny        NSW   1888 4    
18-22 Banicevic, Roy       NSW   1387 3.5  
      Vuglar, Shanon       ACT   1605 3.5  
      Harman, Jerome       NSW        3.5  
      Minor, Harry         NSW        3.5  
      Nagel, Anne          NSW        3.5  
23-30 Burke, Matthew       NSW        3    
      Greenwood, Norman    NSW   1515 3    
      Visser, Johan        OS    1636 3    
      Gerges, Fady         NSW   1763 3    
      Shaw, Ralph          NSW   1236 3    
      Willathgamuwa, Kevin NSW   1430 3    
      Gergis, Steven       NSW   1193 3    
      Ingham, Glenn        ACT   1581 3    
31-32 Ngo, Michael         NSW   1439 2.5  
      Patterson, Mark      ACT   1369 2.5  
33-37 Clark, Neil          NSW   1431 2    
      Weltner, Michael     NSW   1346 2    
      Tracey, Michael J    NSW   1386 2    
      Fernandez, Nick      NSW   1269 2    
      Xuan, Thomas         NSW        2    
 38   Bogdanoski, Petre    NSW   1741 1    
 39   Zaman, Selim         NSW   1210 0.5  


No Name                 Feder Loc  Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7  

1  Brown, Andrew        ACT   2253 6     30:W  8:W 15:W  2:D 10:W 12:W  3:D
2  Xie, George          NSW   2424 5.5   19:W 11:W 10:W  1:D  7:W  3:L  6:W
3  Broekhuyse, Paul     NSW   2096 5.5   31:W 13:D  4:D 26:W  8:W  2:W  1:D
4  Kuan, Julian         NSW   1897 5.5   36:W 37:W  3:D  7:D  6:D 11:W 10:W
5  Champion, Patrick    NSW   1964 5     18:L 17:W 24:W 19:D  9:D 25:W 13:W
6  Huynh, Arthur        NSW   2037 4.5    0:D 22:W 13:W 12:D  4:D  7:W  2:L
7  Cabilin, Jeff        NSW   1915 4.5   34:W 18:W 12:W  4:D  2:L  6:L 20:W
8  Rowlison, Colin N    NSW   1767 4.5   39:W  1:L 33:W 37:W  3:L 18:W  9:D
9  Buciu, Aurel-John    QLD   1665 4.5   21:L 35:W 23:D 38:W  5:D 14:W  8:D
10 Watson, James        NSW   2084 4     33:W 38:W  2:L 25:W  1:L 16:W  4:L
11 Rewais, Sarwat       NSW   1855 4     27:W  2:L 14:W 18:D 19:W  4:L 12:D
12 Smirnov, Anton       NSW   2135 4     24:W 26:W  7:L  6:D 20:W  1:L 11:D
13 Rachmadi, Herman     NSW   1763 4     23:W  3:D  6:L  0:D 28:W 24:W  5:L
14 Willathgamuwa, Rowan NSW   1515 4      0:D  0:D 11:L 27:W 26:W  9:L 25:W
15 Gu, Sean             NSW   1948 4     35:W 21:W  1:L 20:D 18:L 19:D 24:W
16 Dutta, Rishi         NSW   1644 4     22:L 32:W 20:L 34:W 23:W 10:L 18:W
17 Bolens, Johny        NSW   1888 4      0:D  5:L 31:L  0:D 33:W 27:W 23:W
18 Banicevic, Roy       NSW   1387 3.5    5:W  7:L 38:W 11:D 15:W  8:L 16:L
19 Vuglar, Shanon       ACT   1605 3.5    2:L 34:W 22:W  5:D 11:L 15:D 21:D
20 Harman, Jerome       NSW        3.5   38:L  0:W 16:W 15:D 12:L 30:W  7:L
21 Minor, Harry         NSW        3.5    9:W 15:L 25:L 28:L  0:W 31:W 19:D
22 Nagel, Anne          NSW        3.5   16:W  6:L 19:L 31:W 24:L 33:D 32:W
23 Burke, Matthew       NSW        3     13:L 31:W  9:D  0:D 16:L 26:W 17:L
24 Greenwood, Norman    NSW   1515 3     12:L 27:W  5:L 29:W 22:W 13:L 15:L
25 Visser, Johan        OS    1636 3     37:L 36:W 21:W 10:L 32:W  5:L 14:L
26 Gerges, Fady         NSW   1763 3     29:W 12:L 28:W  3:L 14:L 23:L 39:W
27 Shaw, Ralph          NSW   1236 3     11:L 24:L 35:W 14:L 36:W 17:L  0:W
28 Willathgamuwa, Kevin NSW   1430 3      0:D  0:D 26:L 21:W 13:L 32:D 31:D
29 Gergis, Steven       NSW   1193 3     26:L 33:L  0:W 24:L  0:L 35:W 34:+
30 Ingham, Glenn        ACT   1581 3      1:L 39:W 37:L 32:L 34:W 20:L 33:W
31 Ngo, Michael         NSW   1439 2.5    3:L 23:L 17:W 22:L 38:+ 21:L 28:D
32 Patterson, Mark      ACT   1369 2.5    0:  16:L 36:W 30:W 25:L 28:D 22:L
33 Clark, Neil          NSW   1431 2     10:L 29:W  8:L  0:D 17:L 22:D 30:L
34 Weltner, Michael     NSW   1346 2      7:L 19:L 39:W 16:L 30:L  0:W 29:-
35 Tracey, Michael J    NSW   1386 2     15:L  9:L 27:L  0:D 39:W 29:L 36:D
36 Fernandez, Nick      NSW   1269 2      4:L 25:L 32:L  0:D 27:L 39:W 35:D
37 Xuan, Thomas         NSW        2     25:W  4:L 30:W  8:L  0:   0:   0: 
38 Bogdanoski, Petre    NSW   1741 1     20:W 10:L 18:L  9:L 31:-  0:   0: 
39 Zaman, Selim         NSW   1210 .5     8:L 30:L 34:L  0:D 35:L 36:L 26:L


2012 St. George Weekender – Perpie The Marathon Man!

by DOP Charles Zworestine

A slightly disappointing field of 39 players fronted up for what was only the second annual St. George August weekender, after the initial event attracted 45 players last year. With many recent events having attracted several players rated over 2000, they were clearly taking a break this weekend – this time there were only 6 of them! Top seeded IM George Xie was challenged by (in seeding order) 2. IM Andrew Brown, 3. 11 year old Anton Smirnov, 4. veteran Paul Broekhuyse, 5. James Watson (visiting from the ACT) and 6. late entry Arthur Huynh. They all played at the standard weekender time controls of 1 hour plus 10 seconds per move from the start (Fischer), in a cosy little alcove room downstairs at St. George Leagues Club. How would they all fare: would George’s experience prevail, or would he be trumped once again by a youngster?

Round 1 saw most results go according to seeding as usual, with the exception of a few unrated players registering victories on the bottom three boards. Sarwat Rewais had to struggle against Ralph Shaw, eventually winning what should have been a drawn king and pawn ending; and Roy Banicevic upset Patrick Champion with superior king activity after fighting back in an endgame where he started a pawn down! Round 2 again saw few upsets, George Xie sacrificing a piece to defeat Sarwat Rewais via doubled rooks on the seventh rank forcing mate. Paul Broekhuyse saw no plan as Black in his King’s Indian, and so agreed a fairly early draw with Herman Rachmadi. Andrew Brown was the last game to finish, winning rather luckily in a messy game against Colin Rowlison after at one stage being a piece for two pawns down in an ending.

George Xie’s positional exchange sacrifice proved decisive against James Watson on top board in Round 3, the IM duly proving triumphant with a dominant knight! Andrew “Perpie” Brown, our other IM, had to struggle manfully before overcoming Sean Gu on Board 2, a very double edged queen and rook ending turning in Perpie’s favour when Sean blundered a rook due to a skewering tactic. Poor Anton Smirnov made an even worse blunder, popping his queen to suffer an upset loss to Jeff Cabilin. Blunders seemed to be the order of the day this round, Rishi Dutta blundering a rook to suffer a lengthy upset loss against Jerome Harman after Johny Bolens had also blundered to be upset by Michael Ngo. This all left us with 3 joint leaders on 3/3: George, Perpie and Jeff Cabilin. Julian Kuan continued a good event for him when he drew with Paul Broekhuyse; he was joined on 2.5/3 by Arthur Huynh, who beat Herman Rachmadi.

The battle between the top seeds occurred relatively early in this event, on top board in Round 4; and what a battle royale it was! Andrew, as Black, achieved a positional advantage, eventually reaching an ending with good knight against bad bishop; but George is nothing if not a fighter, and he sacrificed two pawns to force connected passed c and d pawns which he then began to charge at Perpie’s king. Responding by racing his own passed h pawn down the board, Andrew should have been winning; but in time pressure he missed on key pawn move, and George somehow managed to liquidate to a drawn ending. Amazingly this was one of six draws on the top 8 boards, Anton drawing a bishop ending where Arthur Huynh’s extra pawn was meaningless (it was doubled) after Julian Kuan and Jeff Cabilin had drawn on Board 3. Other upsets saw Shanon Vuglar draw with Patrick Champion, Jerome Harman draw with Sean Gu, Roy Banicevic draw with Sarwat Rewais and Mark Patterson defeat fellow Canberran Glenn Ingham. All of this left us with three joint leaders on 3.5/4, George, Andrew and Jeff Cabilin; and with five players on 3/4 just half a point behind, a very exciting Sunday was in prospect!

Certainly Round 5 produced excitement, as Jeff made George fight on Board 1; he made the right decision to sacrifice queen for rook and knight, but took too long to do so and later lost the game due to omitting one key pawn move. Meanwhile Perpie and James Watson got down to less than a minute each on Board 2; Andrew then won their bullet game despite missing a winning tactic, instead reaching a king and pawn ending a pawn ahead to prevail. So George and Andrew still shared the lead on 4.5/5, from Paul Broekhuyse alone on 4/5 after he beat Colin Rowlison. Among six players on 3.5/5 were Arthur Huynh and Julian Kuan, Arthur perhaps lucky to draw with Julian in a tricky rook ending. The others on this score were Jeff, Anton Smirnov (attacked well to beat Jerome Harman), Sarwat Rewais (won a tough battle in an ending against Shanon Vuglar) and surprise packet Roy Banicevic, who upset Sean Gu in yet another rook endgame.

A startling upset on top board saw Paul Broekhuyse stun George Xie, the IM falling victim to a crushing attack after an inaccurate bishop move on move 27 (Bc1 was correct) left him in a lost position (see game below). Andrew Brown was thus able to take the outright lead on 5.5/6 after another lucky win, this one over Anton Smirnov in the last game to finish. Having sacrificed an exchange for two pawns, Perpie found himself in a probably equal ending but with way less time than his opponent; so he was thrilled when Anton, trying to blitz him, blundered a rook to a skewer and lost instead! Paul was half a point further back on 5/6, with George, Arthur Huynh (who won pawns to defeat Jeff Cabilin) and Julian Kuan (who beat Sarwat Rewais) half a point further back. Shanon Vuglar got a draw with Sean Gu in the only other major upset this round.

Xie, G (2424) - Broekhuyse, P (2069), St. George Weekender Round 6, Board 1 26/08/2012
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.d4 Bb4 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 c5 7.e3 Nbd7 8.a4 Qa5 9.Qc2 Ne4 10.Ra3 0–0 11.Bd3 f5 12.0–0 Qd8 13.cxd5 exd5 14.c4 dxc4 15.Bxc4+ Kh8 16.Rd1 Qe7 17.a5 Rb8 18.Rb3 b6 19.Ba3 f4 20.exf4 Rxf4 21.Re3 Bb7 22.Rde1 Ndf6 23.Ng5 Ng4 24.Rxe4 Qxg5 25.Re8+ Rf8 26.Rxb8 Rxb8 27.Bf1 Qf4 28.Bb5 Qxh2+ 29.Kf1 Qxg2+ 30.Ke2 Qxf2+ 31.Kd3 Qxd4+ 32.Ke2 Qf2+ 33.Kd1 Rd8+ 34.Bd3 Ne3+ 0–1

George was worse against Arthur on Board 2 in the final round, a pawn down in an all heavy piece ending; but one careless move left George with forced mate and Arthur very disappointed! George then sat back and awaited the result of the top board game between Andrew and Paul; it was Perpie, so we knew it would be the last game to finish! He had a very slight edge, and kept pushing to try and win knight against bishop; but in the end in his inevitable time pressure he had to settle for a draw. This left him outright winner on 6/7, with Paul and George joined in second place on 5.5/7 by Julian Kuan, who won a queen and pawn ending a pawn ahead to upset James Watson. Patrick Champion was next after winning pawns to defeat Herman Rachmadi. Upsets saw Sarwat Rewais draw an ending with Anton Smirnov, and Rowan Willathgamuwa defeat Johan Visser; Rowan won himself a ratings prize as a result.

Prize List: 1st IM Andrew Brown 6/7; = 2nd IM George Xie, Paul Broekhuyse, Julian Kuan 5.5; 5th Patrick Champion 5; = 6th Arthur Huynh, Jeff Cabilin 4.5; = 1st U1800-1600 Colin Rowlison, Aurel-John Buciu 4.5; = 3rd U1800-1600 Herman Rachmadi, Rishi Dutta 4; 1st U1600-1400 Rowan Willathgamuwa 4; 1st U1400 Roy Banicevic 3.5; = 2nd U1600-1400 Glenn Ingham, Norm Greenwood, Kevin Willathgamuwa 3; = 2nd U1400 Ralph Shaw, Steven Gergis 3.

Select a Tournament

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26 Jan, 2025 :   2025 NSWCA Australia Day Weekender

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14 Oct, 2024 :   2024 NSW Seniors Championship

08 Oct, 2024 :   2024 NSWCA October Weekender

26 Aug, 2024 :   2024 NSW State Championship

26 Aug, 2024 :   2024 NSWCA August Weekender

22 Jul, 2024 :   2024 NSW Rapid

11 Jun, 2024 :   2024 NSW Open U1600

11 Jun, 2024 :   2024 NSW Open

20 May, 2024 :   2024 Chatswood Checkmate Challenge

22 Apr, 2024 :   2024 City of Sydney Rapid

04 Mar, 2024 :   2024 City of Sydney Blitz

29 Jan, 2024 :   2024 NSWCA Australia Day Weekender

27 Nov, 2023 :   2023 NSW Blitz Championship

27 Oct, 2023 :   2023 NSW Seniors Championship

03 Oct, 2023 :   2023 Ryde Eastwood Open

16 Aug, 2023 :   2023 NSW State Championship

06 Aug, 2023 :   2023 NSWCA August Weekender

10 Jul, 2023 :   2023 NSW Rapid

13 Jun, 2023 :   2023 NSW Open U1600

13 Jun, 2023 :   2023 NSW Open

13 Mar, 2023 :   2023 City of Sydney Blitz

27 Feb, 2023 :   2023 City of Sydney Rapid

30 Jan, 2023 :   2023 NSWCA Australia Day Weekender

27 Nov, 2022 :   2022 NSW Blitz Championship

07 Nov, 2022 :   2022 NSW Seniors Championship

04 Oct, 2022 :   2022 Ryde Eastwood Open

29 Aug, 2022 :   2022 NSWCA August Weekender

27 Jul, 2022 :   2022 NSW State Championship

11 Jul, 2022 :   2022 NSW Rapid Championship

13 Mar, 2022 :   2022 City of Sydney Blitz

21 Feb, 2022 :   2022 City of Sydney Rapid

01 Feb, 2022 :   2022 Australia Day Weekender

20 Jan, 2022 :   2021 NSW Blitz Championship

15 Jun, 2021 :   2021 NSW Open U1600

15 Jun, 2021 :   2021 NSW Open

16 May, 2021 :   2021 City of Sydney Blitz

19 Apr, 2021 :   2021 City of Sydney Rapid

09 Mar, 2020 :   2020 City of Sydney Blitz

24 Feb, 2020 :   2020 City of Sydney Rapid

27 Jan, 2020 :   2020 Australia Day Weekender

26 Nov, 2019 :   2019 NSW Blitz Championship

08 Oct, 2019 :   2019 Ryde Eastwood CJS Purdy Memorial Open

12 Aug, 2019 :   2019 NSW August Weekender

03 Aug, 2019 :   2019 NSW Rapid Championship

31 Jul, 2019 :   2019 NSW State Championship

11 Mar, 2019 :   2019 City of Sydney Blitz

25 Feb, 2019 :   2019 City of Sydney Rapid

28 Jan, 2019 :   2019 Australia Day Weekender

26 Nov, 2018 :   2018 NSW Blitz Championship

08 Oct, 2018 :   2018 Ryde Eastwood Open

13 Aug, 2018 :   2018 NSWCA August Weekender

25 Jul, 2018 :   2018 NSW State Championship

11 Jul, 2018 :   2018 NSW Rapid

12 Mar, 2018 :   2018 City of Sydney Blitz

26 Feb, 2018 :   2018 City of Sydney Rapid

30 Jan, 2018 :   2018 Australia Day Weekender

05 Dec, 2017 :   2017 NSW Blitz Championship

21 Aug, 2017 :   2017 NSWCA August Weekender

27 Jul, 2017 :   2017 NSW State Championship

11 Jul, 2017 :   2017 NSW Rapid Championship

12 Mar, 2017 :   2017 City of Sydney Blitz

27 Feb, 2017 :   2017 City of Sydney Rapid

30 Jan, 2017 :   2017 Australia Day Weekender

06 Oct, 2016 :   2016 Ryde Eastwood Open

02 Sep, 2016 :   2016 NSWCA August Weekender

26 Jul, 2016 :   2016 NSW State Championship

18 Jul, 2016 :   2016 NSW Rapid

23 Jun, 2016 :   2016 NSW Open

23 Jun, 2016 :   NSW Open U1600

19 Apr, 2016 :   2016 City of Sydney

28 Feb, 2016 :   2016 City of Sydney Rapid

22 Feb, 2016 :   2016 City of Sydney Blitz

02 Feb, 2016 :   2016 Australia Day Weekender

03 Dec, 2015 :   2015 NSW Blitz Championship

07 Oct, 2015 :   2015 Ryde Eastwood Open

24 Aug, 2015 :   2015 St George Weekender

08 Aug, 2015 :   2015 NSW State Championship

13 Jul, 2015 :   2015 NSW Rapid

09 Jun, 2015 :   2015 NSW Open U1600

09 Jun, 2015 :   2015 NSW Open

31 Mar, 2015 :   2015 City of Sydney Blitz

24 Mar, 2015 :   2015 City of Sydney Championship

22 Feb, 2015 :   2015 City of Sydney Rapid

26 Jan, 2015 :   2015 Australia Day Weekender

12 Dec, 2014 :   NSW Blitz Championship 2014

08 Oct, 2014 :   Ryde Eastwood Open 2014

29 Aug, 2014 :   St. George Weekender 2014

07 Aug, 2014 :   NSW State Championship 2014

14 Jul, 2014 :   NSW Rapid 2014

09 Jun, 2014 :   NSW Open 2014

09 Jun, 2014 :   NSW Open U1600 2014

28 Apr, 2014 :   Sydney International Open 2014

28 Apr, 2014 :   Sydney International Challengers 2014

24 Apr, 2014 :   City of Sydney Blitz 2014

11 Apr, 2014 :   Dubbo Open 2014

06 Apr, 2014 :   City of Sydney 2014

24 Feb, 2014 :   City of Sydney Rapid 2014

26 Jan, 2014 :   2014 Peter Parr Memorial Australia Day Weekender

30 Nov, 2013 :   NSW Blitz Championship 2013

08 Oct, 2013 :   Ryde Eastwood Open 2013

27 Aug, 2013 :   St. George Weekender 2013

16 Jul, 2013 :   Integra NSW State Championship 2013

15 Jul, 2013 :   NSW Rapid 2013

15 Apr, 2013 :   Sydney International Open 2013

15 Apr, 2013 :   Sydney International Challengers 2013

12 Apr, 2013 :   City of Sydney Lightning 2013

23 Mar, 2013 :   City of Sydney 2013

19 Mar, 2013 :   Dubbo RSL Open 2013

26 Feb, 2013 :   City of Sydney Rapid 2013

29 Jan, 2013 :   Australia Day Weekender 2013

03 Dec, 2012 :   Country Teams 2012

24 Nov, 2012 :   NSW State Lightning Championship 2012

02 Oct, 2012 :   Ryde Eastwood Open 2012

31 Aug, 2012 :   St George Weekender 2012

31 Jul, 2012 :   Integra NSW State Championship 2012

16 Jul, 2012 :   NSW Rapid 2012

12 Jun, 2012 :   Integra NSW Open 2012

12 Jun, 2012 :   Integra NSW Open U1600 2012

17 Apr, 2012 :   Sydney International Open 2012

17 Apr, 2012 :   Sydney International Challengers 2012

23 Mar, 2012 :   City of Sydney 2012

13 Mar, 2012 :   City of Sydney Rapid 2012