NSW Chess Association


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  NSW Blitz Championship 2013

Players List

No  Name                         Feder Loc 

1.  Smirnov, Vladimir            NSW   2521
2.  Miezis, Normunds             OS    2496
3.  Smirnov, Anton               NSW   2396
4.  Van Ruitenburg, Joost        OS    2392
5.  O'Chee, Kevin                NSW   2287
6.  Sanchez Botella, Luis Javier OS    2262
7.  Berezovski, Stanislav        NSW   2256
8.  Mungunkhuu, Mijgee           OS    2215
9.  Chau, Bernard                NSW   2157
10. Ng, Clive                    NSW   2148
11. Sengeravdan, Otgonjargal     OS    2128
12. Plant, John Stuart           NSW   2098
13. Yermolenko, Taras            NSW   2096
14. Vahtra, Tuuli                OS    2017
15. Coates, Toby J               NSW   2015
16. Funai, Diego                 NSW   2015
17. Rodgers, Jack                NSW   2011
18. Tulevski, Vasil G            NSW   1941
19. Hiramanek, Zubin             NSW   1934
20. Brown, Nicholas              NSW   1928
21. Plaza, Francisco             NSW   1923
22. Anderson, Kim                SA    1913
23. Watson, Robert A             NSW   1900
24. Crossman, Tom                NSW   1879
25. Buza, Muhamed                NSW   1724
26. Lo, Anthony                  NSW   1679
27. Sandrasegaran, Aran          NSW   1678
28. Yan, Methew                  NSW   1640
29. Dragalchuk, Vladislav        NSW   1617
30. Greenwood, Norman            NSW   1617
31. Stern, David                 NSW   1604
32. O'Rourke, Ryan (1996)        NSW   1600
33. Edwards, Greig               NSW   1592
34. Bolens, Johny                NSW   1578
35. Lazaridis, Julius            NSW   1556
36. Sike, Paul                   NSW   1552
37. Brown, Joshua                NSW   1508
38. Banicevic, Roy               NSW   1473
39. Chiara, Vince                NSW   1469
40. Shaw, Ralph                  NSW   1459
41. O'Rourke, Kevin              NSW   1327
42. Cvetanovski, Michael         NSW   1290
43. Bakhos, George               NSW       
44. Dingley, Justin              NSW       
45. Kianrad, Ahmad               NSW       
46. Lefort, Olivier              NSW       
47. Mao, Dylan                   NSW       
48. Tan, Alex                    NSW       
49. Univer, Martin               OS        
50. Wijeyaratne, Shavin          NSW       


Place Name                         Feder Loc  Score

  1   Smirnov, Vladimir            NSW   2521 10.5 
  2   Smirnov, Anton               NSW   2396 9    
 3-4  Sanchez Botella, Luis Javier OS    2262 8    
      Mungunkhuu, Mijgee           OS    2215 8    
 5-6  Miezis, Normunds             OS    2496 7.5  
      Wijeyaratne, Shavin          NSW        7.5  
7-10  Van Ruitenburg, Joost        OS    2392 7    
      Berezovski, Stanislav        NSW   2256 7    
      Plant, John Stuart           NSW   2098 7    
      Plaza, Francisco             NSW   1923 7    
11-15 O'Chee, Kevin                NSW   2287 6.5  
      Chau, Bernard                NSW   2157 6.5  
      Vahtra, Tuuli                OS    2017 6.5  
      Funai, Diego                 NSW   2015 6.5  
      Crossman, Tom                NSW   1879 6.5  
16-23 Ng, Clive                    NSW   2148 6    
      Yermolenko, Taras            NSW   2096 6    
      Rodgers, Jack                NSW   2011 6    
      Brown, Nicholas              NSW   1928 6    
      Anderson, Kim                SA    1913 6    
      Lo, Anthony                  NSW   1679 6    
      Greenwood, Norman            NSW   1617 6    
      Mao, Dylan                   NSW        6    
24-28 Coates, Toby J               NSW   2015 5.5  
      Tulevski, Vasil G            NSW   1941 5.5  
      Hiramanek, Zubin             NSW   1934 5.5  
      Yan, Methew                  NSW   1640 5.5  
      Dragalchuk, Vladislav        NSW   1617 5.5  
29-35 Sengeravdan, Otgonjargal     OS    2128 5    
      Stern, David                 NSW   1604 5    
      O'Rourke, Ryan (1996)        NSW   1600 5    
      Cvetanovski, Michael         NSW   1290 5    
      Bakhos, George               NSW        5    
      Kianrad, Ahmad               NSW        5    
      Tan, Alex                    NSW        5    
36-39 Watson, Robert A             NSW   1900 4.5  
      Sandrasegaran, Aran          NSW   1678 4.5  
      Sike, Paul                   NSW   1552 4.5  
      Banicevic, Roy               NSW   1473 4.5  
40-45 Buza, Muhamed                NSW   1724 4    
      Lazaridis, Julius            NSW   1556 4    
      Shaw, Ralph                  NSW   1459 4    
      O'Rourke, Kevin              NSW   1327 4    
      Dingley, Justin              NSW        4    
      Univer, Martin               OS         4    
46-48 Edwards, Greig               NSW   1592 3    
      Chiara, Vince                NSW   1469 3    
      Lefort, Olivier              NSW        3    
 49   Brown, Joshua                NSW   1508 2    
 50   Bolens, Johny                NSW   1578 0.5  


No Name                         Feder Loc  Total  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11  

1  Smirnov, Vladimir            NSW   2521 10.5  31:W 20:W  8:W  7:W  2:D  4:W  5:W  3:W 11:W 19:W 13:W
2  Smirnov, Anton               NSW   2396 9     32:W 16:W 11:W 12:W  1:D  5:D 29:W  7:W  4:L  8:W  3:W
3  Mungunkhuu, Mijgee           OS    2215 8     40:W 26:W  5:L 16:W  9:W 12:W 11:W  1:L  6:W  4:W  2:L
4  Sanchez Botella, Luis Javier OS    2262 8     50:W  9:W 29:W  5:L 17:W  1:L 16:W 10:W  2:W  3:L  7:W
5  Miezis, Normunds             OS    2496 7.5   13:W 24:W  3:W  4:W  7:W  2:D  1:L 11:D 12:D  9:W  6:L
6  Wijeyaratne, Shavin          NSW        7.5   22:W 10:L 18:L 50:W 21:W 28:D 19:W 20:W  3:L 15:W  5:W
7  Van Ruitenburg, Joost        OS    2392 7     48:W 25:W 10:W  1:L  5:L 18:W 24:W  2:L 14:W 12:W  4:L
8  Berezovski, Stanislav        NSW   2256 7     37:W 36:W  1:L 14:W 29:W 11:L  9:W 12:L 18:W  2:L 19:W
9  Plaza, Francisco             NSW   1923 7     35:W  4:L 30:W 15:W  3:L 26:W  8:L 17:W 29:W  5:L 20:W
10 Plant, John Stuart           NSW   2098 7     38:W  6:W  7:L 25:D 20:W 24:D 14:W  4:L 19:L 21:W 16:W
11 Chau, Bernard                NSW   2157 6.5   49:W 18:W  2:L 28:W 27:W  8:W  3:L  5:D  1:L 13:L 24:W
12 O'Chee, Kevin                NSW   2287 6.5   41:W 21:W 27:W  2:L 24:D  3:L 15:W  8:W  5:D  7:L 14:D
13 Crossman, Tom                NSW   1879 6.5    5:L 38:W 17:L 30:W 15:D 33:D 23:W 24:D 26:W 11:W  1:L
14 Funai, Diego                 NSW   2015 6.5   17:L 34:W 22:W  8:L 31:W 25:W 10:L 40:W  7:L 29:W 12:D
15 Vahtra, Tuuli                OS    2017 6.5   26:L 39:W 40:W  9:L 13:D 21:W 12:L 36:W 24:W  6:L 18:W
16 Rodgers, Jack                NSW   2011 6     44:W  2:L 31:W  3:L 23:W 22:W  4:L 19:L 27:W 17:W 10:L
17 Ng, Clive                    NSW   2148 6     14:W 27:L 13:W 21:W  4:L 19:L 28:W  9:L 22:W 16:L 31:W
18 Anderson, Kim                SA    1913 6     46:W 11:L  6:W 29:L 32:W  7:L 30:W 25:W  8:L 26:W 15:L
19 Lo, Anthony                  NSW   1679 6     29:L 43:D 50:W 39:W 25:D 17:W  6:L 16:W 10:W  1:L  8:L
20 Yermolenko, Taras            NSW   2096 6     47:W  1:L 36:L 37:W 10:L 41:W 27:W  6:L 40:W 25:W  9:L
21 Brown, Nicholas              NSW   1928 6     42:W 12:L 46:W 17:L  6:L 15:L 47:W 44:W 23:W 10:L 30:W
22 Greenwood, Norman            NSW   1617 6      6:L 44:W 14:L 46:W 36:W 16:L 25:L 33:W 17:L 42:W 37:W
23 Mao, Dylan                   NSW        6     36:L 37:L 38:W 41:W 16:L 34:W 13:L 31:W 21:L 40:W 29:W
24 Coates, Toby J               NSW   2015 5.5   43:W  5:L 26:W 36:W 12:D 10:D  7:L 13:D 15:L 34:W 11:L
25 Hiramanek, Zubin             NSW   1934 5.5   33:W  7:L 37:W 10:D 19:D 14:L 22:W 18:L 42:W 20:L 27:D
26 Dragalchuk, Vladislav        NSW   1617 5.5   15:W  3:L 24:L 33:D 39:W  9:L 37:W 28:W 13:L 18:L 40:W
27 Yan, Methew                  NSW   1640 5.5   45:W 17:W 12:L 34:W 11:L 29:L 20:L 30:W 16:L 28:W 25:D
28 Tulevski, Vasil G            NSW   1941 5.5   30:L 49:W 41:W 11:L 40:W  6:D 17:L 26:L 32:W 27:L 38:W
29 Sengeravdan, Otgonjargal     OS    2128 5     19:W 30:W  4:L 18:W  8:L 27:W  2:L 32:W  9:L 14:L 23:L
30 Cvetanovski, Michael         NSW   1290 5     28:W 29:L  9:L 13:L 37:W 31:W 18:L 27:L 49:W 32:W 21:L
31 Stern, David                 NSW   1604 5      1:L 42:W 16:L 45:W 14:L 30:L 39:W 23:L 33:W 41:W 17:L
32 O'Rourke, Ryan (1996)        NSW   1600 5      2:L 33:L 35:W 42:W 18:L 44:W 36:W 29:L 28:L 30:L 43:W
33 Bakhos, George               NSW        5     25:L 32:W 39:L 26:D 43:W 13:D 40:L 22:L 31:L 50:W 41:W
34 Tan, Alex                    NSW        5     39:D 14:L 43:W 27:L 41:L 23:L 45:W 38:W 44:W 24:L 35:D
35 Kianrad, Ahmad               NSW        5      9:L 50:D 32:L 43:L 49:L 38:D 48:W 45:W 36:D 44:W 34:D
36 Watson, Robert A             NSW   1900 4.5   23:W  8:L 20:W 24:L 22:L 47:W 32:L 15:L 35:D 37:L 42:W
37 Sike, Paul                   NSW   1552 4.5    8:L 23:W 25:L 20:L 30:L 46:W 26:L 43:D 45:W 36:W 22:L
38 Banicevic, Roy               NSW   1473 4.5   10:L 13:L 23:L 48:W 42:L 35:D 43:W 34:L 50:W 39:W 28:L
39 Sandrasegaran, Aran          NSW   1678 4.5   34:D 15:L 33:W 19:L 26:L 43:W 31:L 42:L 46:W 38:L 48:W
40 Buza, Muhamed                NSW   1724 4      3:L 47:W 15:L 44:W 28:L 42:W 33:W 14:L 20:L 23:L 26:L
41 Lazaridis, Julius            NSW   1556 4     12:L 45:W 28:L 23:L 34:W 20:L 42:L 46:W 47:W 31:L 33:L
42 Dingley, Justin              NSW        4     21:L 31:L 49:W 32:L 38:W 40:L 41:W 39:W 25:L 22:L 36:L
43 Shaw, Ralph                  NSW   1459 4     24:L 19:D 34:L 35:W 33:L 39:L 38:L 37:D 48:W 49:W 32:L
44 O'Rourke, Kevin              NSW   1327 4     16:L 22:L 48:W 40:L 45:W 32:L 49:W 21:L 34:L 35:L 47:W
45 Univer, Martin               OS         4     27:L 41:L 47:W 31:L 44:L 48:W 34:L 35:L 37:L 46:W 50:W
46 Lefort, Olivier              NSW        3     18:L 48:W 21:L 22:L 47:L 37:L 50:W 41:L 39:L 45:L 49:W
47 Chiara, Vince                NSW   1469 3     20:L 40:L 45:L 49:W 46:W 36:L 21:L 50:W 41:L 48:L 44:L
48 Edwards, Greig               NSW   1592 3      7:L 46:L 44:L 38:L 50:W 45:L 35:L 49:W 43:L 47:W 39:L
49 Brown, Joshua                NSW   1508 2     11:L 28:L 42:L 47:L 35:W 50:W 44:L 48:L 30:L 43:L 46:L
50 Bolens, Johny                NSW   1578 .5     4:L 35:D 19:L  6:L 48:L 49:L 46:L 47:L 38:L 33:L 45:L

Select a Tournament

22 Jul, 2024 :   2024 NSW Rapid

18 Jul, 2024 :   2024 NSW State Championship

11 Jun, 2024 :   2024 NSW Open U1600

11 Jun, 2024 :   2024 NSW Open

20 May, 2024 :   2024 Chatswood Checkmate Challenge

22 Apr, 2024 :   2024 City of Sydney Rapid

04 Mar, 2024 :   2024 City of Sydney Blitz

29 Jan, 2024 :   2024 NSWCA Australia Day Weekender

27 Nov, 2023 :   2023 NSW Blitz Championship

27 Oct, 2023 :   2023 NSW Seniors Championship

03 Oct, 2023 :   2023 Ryde Eastwood Open

16 Aug, 2023 :   2023 NSW State Championship

06 Aug, 2023 :   2023 NSWCA August Weekender

10 Jul, 2023 :   2023 NSW Rapid

13 Jun, 2023 :   2023 NSW Open U1600

13 Jun, 2023 :   2023 NSW Open

13 Mar, 2023 :   2023 City of Sydney Blitz

27 Feb, 2023 :   2023 City of Sydney Rapid

30 Jan, 2023 :   2023 NSWCA Australia Day Weekender

27 Nov, 2022 :   2022 NSW Blitz Championship

07 Nov, 2022 :   2022 NSW Seniors Championship

04 Oct, 2022 :   2022 Ryde Eastwood Open

29 Aug, 2022 :   2022 NSWCA August Weekender

27 Jul, 2022 :   2022 NSW State Championship

11 Jul, 2022 :   2022 NSW Rapid Championship

13 Mar, 2022 :   2022 City of Sydney Blitz

21 Feb, 2022 :   2022 City of Sydney Rapid

01 Feb, 2022 :   2022 Australia Day Weekender

20 Jan, 2022 :   2021 NSW Blitz Championship

15 Jun, 2021 :   2021 NSW Open

15 Jun, 2021 :   2021 NSW Open U1600

16 May, 2021 :   2021 City of Sydney Blitz

19 Apr, 2021 :   2021 City of Sydney Rapid

09 Mar, 2020 :   2020 City of Sydney Blitz

24 Feb, 2020 :   2020 City of Sydney Rapid

27 Jan, 2020 :   2020 Australia Day Weekender

26 Nov, 2019 :   2019 NSW Blitz Championship

08 Oct, 2019 :   2019 Ryde Eastwood CJS Purdy Memorial Open

12 Aug, 2019 :   2019 NSW August Weekender

03 Aug, 2019 :   2019 NSW Rapid Championship

31 Jul, 2019 :   2019 NSW State Championship

11 Mar, 2019 :   2019 City of Sydney Blitz

25 Feb, 2019 :   2019 City of Sydney Rapid

28 Jan, 2019 :   2019 Australia Day Weekender

26 Nov, 2018 :   2018 NSW Blitz Championship

08 Oct, 2018 :   2018 Ryde Eastwood Open

13 Aug, 2018 :   2018 NSWCA August Weekender

25 Jul, 2018 :   2018 NSW State Championship

11 Jul, 2018 :   2018 NSW Rapid

12 Mar, 2018 :   2018 City of Sydney Blitz

26 Feb, 2018 :   2018 City of Sydney Rapid

30 Jan, 2018 :   2018 Australia Day Weekender

05 Dec, 2017 :   2017 NSW Blitz Championship

21 Aug, 2017 :   2017 NSWCA August Weekender

27 Jul, 2017 :   2017 NSW State Championship

11 Jul, 2017 :   2017 NSW Rapid Championship

12 Mar, 2017 :   2017 City of Sydney Blitz

27 Feb, 2017 :   2017 City of Sydney Rapid

30 Jan, 2017 :   2017 Australia Day Weekender

06 Oct, 2016 :   2016 Ryde Eastwood Open

02 Sep, 2016 :   2016 NSWCA August Weekender

26 Jul, 2016 :   2016 NSW State Championship

18 Jul, 2016 :   2016 NSW Rapid

23 Jun, 2016 :   NSW Open U1600

23 Jun, 2016 :   2016 NSW Open

19 Apr, 2016 :   2016 City of Sydney

28 Feb, 2016 :   2016 City of Sydney Rapid

22 Feb, 2016 :   2016 City of Sydney Blitz

02 Feb, 2016 :   2016 Australia Day Weekender

03 Dec, 2015 :   2015 NSW Blitz Championship

07 Oct, 2015 :   2015 Ryde Eastwood Open

24 Aug, 2015 :   2015 St George Weekender

08 Aug, 2015 :   2015 NSW State Championship

13 Jul, 2015 :   2015 NSW Rapid

09 Jun, 2015 :   2015 NSW Open

09 Jun, 2015 :   2015 NSW Open U1600

31 Mar, 2015 :   2015 City of Sydney Blitz

24 Mar, 2015 :   2015 City of Sydney Championship

22 Feb, 2015 :   2015 City of Sydney Rapid

26 Jan, 2015 :   2015 Australia Day Weekender

12 Dec, 2014 :   NSW Blitz Championship 2014

08 Oct, 2014 :   Ryde Eastwood Open 2014

29 Aug, 2014 :   St. George Weekender 2014

07 Aug, 2014 :   NSW State Championship 2014

14 Jul, 2014 :   NSW Rapid 2014

09 Jun, 2014 :   NSW Open U1600 2014

09 Jun, 2014 :   NSW Open 2014

28 Apr, 2014 :   Sydney International Challengers 2014

28 Apr, 2014 :   Sydney International Open 2014

24 Apr, 2014 :   City of Sydney Blitz 2014

11 Apr, 2014 :   Dubbo Open 2014

06 Apr, 2014 :   City of Sydney 2014

24 Feb, 2014 :   City of Sydney Rapid 2014

26 Jan, 2014 :   2014 Peter Parr Memorial Australia Day Weekender

30 Nov, 2013 :   NSW Blitz Championship 2013

08 Oct, 2013 :   Ryde Eastwood Open 2013

27 Aug, 2013 :   St. George Weekender 2013

16 Jul, 2013 :   Integra NSW State Championship 2013

15 Jul, 2013 :   NSW Rapid 2013

15 Apr, 2013 :   Sydney International Challengers 2013

15 Apr, 2013 :   Sydney International Open 2013

12 Apr, 2013 :   City of Sydney Lightning 2013

23 Mar, 2013 :   City of Sydney 2013

19 Mar, 2013 :   Dubbo RSL Open 2013

26 Feb, 2013 :   City of Sydney Rapid 2013

29 Jan, 2013 :   Australia Day Weekender 2013

03 Dec, 2012 :   Country Teams 2012

24 Nov, 2012 :   NSW State Lightning Championship 2012

02 Oct, 2012 :   Ryde Eastwood Open 2012

31 Aug, 2012 :   St George Weekender 2012

31 Jul, 2012 :   Integra NSW State Championship 2012

16 Jul, 2012 :   NSW Rapid 2012

12 Jun, 2012 :   Integra NSW Open 2012

12 Jun, 2012 :   Integra NSW Open U1600 2012

17 Apr, 2012 :   Sydney International Open 2012

17 Apr, 2012 :   Sydney International Challengers 2012

23 Mar, 2012 :   City of Sydney 2012

13 Mar, 2012 :   City of Sydney Rapid 2012